Natural Methods to Eliminate Lice from Hair
Natural Methods to Eliminate Lice from Hair
Lice. It’s enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. Despite the stigma, lice are actually attracted to clean and frequently-washed hair, so don’t feel like it’s a hygiene issue if you or your child happens to become infested. There are ways to prevent lice, but if it’s too late and you don’t want to subject yourself or your child to chemicals to eliminate the lice, there are natural pest control remedies available.
Of all the things in the grocery store you thought would kill lice, you probably never thought of mayonnaise. Yup, mayonnaise is the best natural solution to a lice infestation. Pest control experts say you need a brand new, never-opened jar of mayonnaise that is room temperature (not refrigerated). Taking handfuls of this goopy lice-killer, cover the entire head of hair, including behind the ears and down the neck a ways to ensure all the lice are affected. Cover with a shower cap to stop the mayonnaise from dripping on clothes or furniture and leave on for two hours.
Once the two hours are up, remove and dispose of the cap and wash your hands thoroughly before beginning to wash the hair. You may need to shampoo your hair several times to get all the mayonnaise out, but be sure NOT to use conditioner. Once the hair is free of gelatinous condiment, move on to another household item – vinegar. Rinse your hair and scalp with vinegar to loosen the smothered eggs and rinse with hot (but not scalding) water. This will help get most of the nits in your hair down the drain, but they’re still maybe some left behind. Using a nit comb, eliminate the remaining stubborn nits that are still present.
After this process is over, don’t be overly confident that you won’t have to go through it at least once more. Lice are stubborn and can be very crafty in avoiding measures taken to eliminate them from the head of hair they now call home. If you’re the one with lice, have someone look through your hair for you. Make sure you’re positioned under good lighting and that your hair is dry. Have your hair searched in tiny sections and especially around the ears, nape of your neck, and all “hair edges.” If nits are found, they need to be picked off with fingernails or a nit comb and placed in a bowl of vinegar or hot soapy water that has ammonia added to it.
Some pest control specialists say that if there are more than a few nits left behind, a vinegar “wrap” might help reduce the rest of them. Simply saturate a towel with half vinegar and half water and wrap it around your head, leaving it on for an hour. Repeat the above steps to ensure the nits are completely gone. If you find nits in eyebrows or eyelashes, coat with Vaseline. It is important to check your head every day for the first few days. If lice are found, repeat the whole process until they are completely gone.